Explaining God
(Like you are a 5-year-old)
When it comes to what we know as God or Absolute, you get as many answers as many people you ask. The reason is simple — people essentially don’t know, they merely believe.
So, what is this ephemeral God all about? It may surprise you, but the answer is hidden in the question itself — it’s about all.
Whatever you see, hear, touch, smell, or taste, whatever you imagine or think of, it is that. Obviously, it means that the whole Universe (or Multiverse, but that’s not essential) including your body and mind is that.
But there’s more to it.
As you may have noticed, it’s you who is aware of said Universe. More precisely it’s “your I”. And that “I” is the identity of God, the Absolute, or whatever you may call it.
Thus, as a human being, you are equally part of God, as well as God in their completeness. As a human being you are, obviously and quite literally, God in person. Or person of God. Perhaps it would be more fitting to say child of God. Sounds familiar?
Anyway, in this way God, you (i.e. I), know themselves.
You may rightfully ask, why would then Absolute arrange things as you know them? After all, pain is painfully real. AF.
And again, the answer is mindbogglingly simple.
That’s the ultimate freedom. From pleasure to pain, from agony to ecstasy and back again. Anything goes. Yes, it may sound horrible, and nothing like what you would like to hear, but God, you (i.e. I), is fair, and law of karma, that is law of action and reaction, i.e. causality, works for every manifestation equally.
That does not mean that you as a distinct human being get what you “deserve”, it just means that certain actions generate pleasure while certain actions generate pain, and even if you steal or torture others and don’t get robbed or tortured yourself, you certainly suffer in different ways. Like they say, “You won’t be punished for your anger, but by your anger.” Or in other words, you deserve nothing, but are worthy of everything, even suffering and pain. And as was said in a particular movie, “The problem is choice.”
Then again, as is often the case, the choices that generate the most pain often meet with a vicious backlash. You don’t need to go very far, you can just have a look at how e.g. the most vicious dictators ended — well, who lives by sword also dies by it. And even if not, they live a sad and pathetic life. That is, if it can be even called a life.
So, yeah — there is such a thing as absolute truth. And it states that, like everything else, you are (of) God, and world feels painful because of your choices.
Don’t believe me? Splendid!