Everything Is As It Should Be
Are you okay? Can you say with clear conscience that you’d be fine if all things remained for eternity exactly as they are right now?
Don’t get me wrong, sometimes, when extremely bad weather or pain strike, there are occasions when I have to remind myself that this, too, will pass in one way or another. Similarly, when things are pleasant, I may be tempted to close my eyes face-to-face that party pooper which reminds me of inevitable change.
But solvable problems are solvable and trying to solve those that are not is futile. Moreover, change — neither good nor bad — simply is, while adaptation, mental in particular, is a choice: you can choose to worry, crave, and thus suffer, or you can choose not to.
People usually imagine salvation, the final spiritual destination, or freedom, as a world without change. Most probably because only “knowing the changeless” saves, brings home and liberates. But the ignorant either tries to build an ideal pleasant world and fix “eternity” there — as if “always” didn’t include “now” and “everywhere” didn’t include “here” — or sees the clear futility of such approach and proclaims absolutes as unreachable.
The ignorant always strives for a world without change that would absolve them from making choices. Well, at least from suffering the consequences — a world where you can choose to step right into a fast busy traffic and not get hit by a car. Or at the very minimum a technological approximation of such world, by definition combined with validation of suffering as inevitable, necessary evil. As I say, ignorant.
Then again, if I never saw ignorance, would I recognize knowledge? If I didn’t strive for knowledge, would I ever know? I’d say no, some may disagree and have a valid point, but in reality it does not matter one bit.
Without knowing, I would not see how pain is distributed. Perhaps it was helpful to admit that I’m just another domino falling under the pressure of impersonal but very palpable forces of weird ideas and ingrained behaviors. Then I also knew that everything is exactly as it should be. If in no other way, at least as a clear causal outcome.
World is simply perfect. At least, it cannot be observed in any other state despite severe limitations of all known observation interfaces, i.e. minds. But if world is observably perfect, you are observably perfect, too. Your mind is then perfect as well, and it is perfectly suited for your particular individuality. Well, your mind is technically and literally your individuality. And just for the record — as of today, no one ever encountered mind not coupled with brain.
Sure, some minds may end up pretty monstrous, but even so, they are at least perfect outcomes of unchecked monstrous influences. In most cases, it does not excuse, but it certainly makes things a lot easier to comprehend.
I know that it’s hard to swallow for many — folks in their hubris sincerely believe that their fictions can improve this world. But it’s not a coincidence there’s that saying that reality is stranger than fiction. Frankly, when I hear people complain about the world and what they would change, I’m secretly thankful the world is rolling the way it does.
To be clear, I understand where they are coming from — the amount of (cumulative) pain we, as individuals of human species, are inflicting in our ignorance on this world is a pretty serious reason for concern — but there are also many obvious clues to tell quite precisely where those zealous people didn’t set their foot yet.
One of such “places” is the clear recognition of eternity in the here and now and recognition of the fact that subject of all experiences is in all cases identical to the point of being exactly the same, never changing.
No matter how dismissive anyone may be of the idea, no matter how many may laugh at it and consider it unrealistic, no matter how many may burn with angry fire of religious zeal — self-realization is the single working cure for suffering and simultaneously the panacea for all our social maladies. After all, all those ills are perfect consequences of our ignorance. At the root of it all, ignorance of who we are.
To put it in no uncertain terms, only enlightened and free individuals can create enlightened and free society. Only people who are okay can create society that is okay. Only people who know they are perfect can treat the world as perfect.
But of course, from where I stand, it’s okay for you to not be okay. Suffer to your heart’s content. The question simply is, what will you do with it? Because, you know, your suffering will inevitably push you to act in a predetermined direction with pretty clearly defined results even if it does not have to.
Get it?