Always quote experts, I say… :0) […] there is at least one other Casspriano out there, dear old Dad… :0)
:D :D :D RL fiction par excellence. Controlled folly at its best — even Castaneda’s Josefina would be humbled :D :D :D
answering that question is half the spiritual path
I meant it in a slightly different manner. There are brief moments when I have a clear conviction that all those powers are at our fingertips. It feels like I could shape the manifested universe as I see fit. The bummer is that always in such moments I also have a feeling that all is perfect as it is, accompanied with a profound laziness — so, there’s no reason to lift a finger :D
Most people would call it crazy to even ask such a question, let alone to invest years of your life in pursuit of an answer.
Well, this is more along the lines of what I had in mind. Not everyone can walk on water even when doing their best. The problem, however, is that most people never ever try. And, as you say and what’s even more sad, the vast majority don’t even asks. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯