Come Out of Egypt
If you are a slave, you could break out your tent on Mount Moriah, and you would still be in exile. You could prostrate yourself on the ground of Temple Mount till your forehead would bleed, and you would still be captive in Babylon. You could reverently stare into the clouds on Mount Olivet, and you would still be just a serf to the primordial Sumer. If you don’t know who you are, if you don’t know God, Sodom and Gomorrah follow where you go.
Yet, it’s not that people don’t know God. His kingdom, the true nature of reality and of ourselves is always in plain sight. People just deliberately convince themselves that that is not what they see. Because if they decided, here and now, to throw away all pretense and excuses, if they honored the truth, there would be an inevitable choice put before them: if God is clearly all there is, if we are all Elohim and this was, is, and always will be the Garden of Eden where God’s will is done on Earth as it is in Heaven, will I take responsibility and act accordingly?
And that is no laughing matter.
If you don’t bow to Sumer, the Egypt, to Babylon, if you don’t obey its rules, your reward will be the hate of its citizens who will demand that you atone and pay for their discomfort with your human life. After all, it’s a death cult — death is what is venerated, because death of the individual (body) is what is feared the most.
“I cannot just give, I cannot leave my job, I have to buy and sell, lest I die. I have to take care of my family, and don’t you dare to endanger my kin!” rationalizes the complicit one. “What a beautiful system!” marvels the believer who milks the people without restraint. Thus, you gladly pick up the stone of your habit to get rid of the heretic who’s a thorn in your side, and who reminds you of the truth. After all, authorities say that you can. In fact, they say you should and will assure you that it’s desirable, lest the Babylon falls and you die with it.
But the wages of wearing the mark of the beast is a barred access to the Tree of Life and the freedom it gives. That is the true death, that is the bondage and the consequence of refusing to accept the truth. Alas, no one has the strength to leave Egypt and return to Paradise without truly knowing God. No one can willingly forfeit the thirty pieces of silver, not even ninety nine cents, if they don’t know who they are. And no one can know, if they don’t let go. Thus, most people rather remain willfully blind, voluntary slaves of Pharaoh and the Whore that rules over him.
I’m not here to save you — only you can save yourself — but if you want to go out of exile and leave Egypt behind, you might as well make your ears to hear and listen.
The truth of reality does not allow for any other way.