“gift” economy
In short: absence of money and value of work /products— everyone works with no compensation, so also no “bonuses”, no dividends, etc. Everyone just gives. I would go as far as to consider barter as immoral, too. (And when I say everyone, I mean every single living human being on the planet).
What will be the appropriate compensation for each level of the TDG representative?
None. It should be a service done for free.
most western democracies are not oligarchies
Well, I have to disagree. Political landscape is just a front-end to economic back-end that drives it all. Both are tightly coupled. That’s by definition plutocracy (i.e. a form of oligarchy). E.g. Google Bilderberg meetings.
Unfortunately I can’t do this by myself. Spread the word. If you are not interested in being part of the 1%, maybe someone in your social circle is.
That’s understandable, society is not just you. To change it, other people must participate too. I would not say that I am not interested in TDG, I just think, as I have outlined earlier, that to implement it, you have to prepare the ground and also change the minds of people to reach that 1% (I don’t think there is an anonymous group of 1% sitting somewhere, just waiting to come across TDG).
Just don’t get discouraged by my comments and keep up the good work ;)