As I said many times, by consciousness I always mean that which you call awareness, and yes, it is not material / physical / substantial / etc. But universe is restricted, causal, and fully physical. Even your dreams can be measured and, even if obeying different rules than waking state, they are still causal and limited (even the lucid ones). That the true nature of reality is as it is, does not invalidate empirical properties of universe. That the true nature of physicality is non-physical, does not mean that physicality is void or just complementary.
The problem I tackled in the OP is that people project our true nature on individual and end up with individual, disembodied souls. That produces attitudes that diminish the importance of manifested universe and personal responsibility, which, in extreme cases, leads to cults that fetishize death (Gnosticism, Biblical Christianity, and so on). In less severe instances you get law of attraction, twin flames, reincarnation as a cosmic undo button, etc. But in the end, feeling good and satisfaction of desires becomes more important than actual causal impacts of behavior – all because of ignorance and fear or non-acceptance of death. And I don't need to tell you how that manifests here on Earth.
Ramana Maharshi put it very nicely when he said that, “The world is illusory, only Brahman is real. Brahman is the world.” Or in words of Nagarjuna, "Nirvana is Samsara, Samsara is Nirvana.” Well, God is simply materialist.