Anarchy and Communism

Loaded words that most of you don’t understand

Sender Spike
5 min readJun 6, 2020

When I started this blog in 2017 (this is its 3rd iteration which I started a year ago — long story :D) to “preach” the oneness of conscious existence, I would be hard pressed if someone asked me to paint a short socioeconomic picture of the life that would inevitably result from the realization of said truth on a mass scale.

Yet today I came across a tweet that put into words the bush I’m beating all these years around and I literally face-palmed — in roughly 280 characters there was outlined, in clear and compact manner, what we know today as anarchy. One idea quickly led to another, and it became clear that the society I’m trying to describe would be best dubbed as anarcho-communism or better said — communal anarchy.

I can imagine that most of you, for one reason or another, are on your way to stop reading any further, but please stick with me. That is, if you want to know how the society after the fabled “great awakening” will look like.

So, without wasting your time, let’s define what actually those two words, anarchy and communism, mean.

The word anarchy is the English equivalent of the Greek word “anarkhia meaning ‘without a ruler’, composed of the prefix an- (i.e. ‘without’) and the word arkhos (i.e. ‘leader’ or ‘ruler’).” Thus, it simply denotes a society without leaders where all members are able to self-govern and self-police, a society that is not organized into a hierarchical structure which ultimately culminates in kingdom or state.

The word communism then “derives from the French communisme which developed out of the Latin roots communis and the suffix isme…[which] can be translated to ‘of or for the community’ while isme is a suffix that indicates the abstraction into a state, condition.” The defining traits of communism are “common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state.” One could say that communism in this manner encapsulates anarchy, but I’d like to keep them separated.

Now, I would like to clear up two core misconceptions that are popularly promoted by opponents of both philosophies— as you can deduce from the definitions above: 1) anarchy does not mean a society without rules (i.e. it’s not a chaos) 2) communism does not mean absence of private ownership (i.e. you still own your house, underwear, etc.).

But when I said A, I also have to say B — as history teaches us, hierarchical communism, also known as Marxist-Leninist socialism, does not work, and anarchy without population where each member considers other members equal to themselves is mere utopia that is bound to collapse sooner than later.

The first is impossible to maintain due to persisting hierarchy. That’s why I deem it essential to keep anarchy as a separate visible part, and that’s also the reason why socialist rulers used a propagandistic cop-out that the communism is yet to come, only if socialism is uphold long enough. And the second one turns to the rule of mob who establish themselves as elites because greed and power trips still run rampant. It’s what happened after a brief period of anarchy after the fall of Iron Curtain in some post-socialist states (some went from socialism straight to the rule of mob, etc., but that’s not the point).

Now, when you look into history, communal anarchy is not foreign to humanity. It was the social order for tens, even hundreds, of thousands of years, up until ca. 4000 BC, i.e. 6000 years ago, when first city states emerged in Levant, though it was very likely practiced only within tribes, i.e. community didn’t include members of other tribes who were most probably regarded as inferior, thus also ruled over, and later treated as slaves (behavior of our closest relatives but also tribal wars and slave trade in e.g. Africa are a clear testimony to this).

Now, you may ask, “OK, but what does it have to do with ‘great awakening’?”

Good question!

But let’s first make clear what actually is “The Great Awakening”.

Simply speaking it’s the realization of the oneness of conscious existence on a mass scale. It’s the realization that allows one to see the underlying equality of all things, and is thus the cornerstone of true anarchy that inevitably leads to establishment of planet-wide community. One that includes not only all life on Earth, but all existence in Universe (whether it’s multiverse or not). It’s the fabled realization of Kingdom of God, the Promised Land, or “return” to the Garden of Eden.

No wonder that you can find anarchy in works of Taoist or Greek philosophers, no wonder you can read Jesus saying, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their superiors exercise authority over them. It shall not be this way among you,” and it’s also no wonder that when you look at first Buddhist sangha, it was clearly an anarchistic commune.

It should also make sense now why the path to such awakening (although strictly on a personal level) is everywhere described as a path to eradicate ignorance that turns fear of death into greed.

However, the mass scale factor of this awakening depends on individuals and their personal awakening, it just so happens that due to previous historical developments, the time and circumstances are more than propitious.

Thus, it’s not surprising that those who cling to the hierarchical proprietary status quo based on said greed are also the ones who will wake up the last, or even not at all.

But rest assured — the evolution steadily moves toward the “great awakening,” and yes, even though there is a large possibility that humanity in its idiocy goes extinct before any of the above takes place, it will only mean that the awakened ones die free and smiling, while the rest dies as suffering slaves (and that is obviously even more true for the wealthy and powerful who are slaves to their impulses which is what counts the most).

Well, it is what it is, and none of us can change it, but while you are alive the choice on which side of history you will stand is still yours.

Choose wisely.

