Amen. But I wonder about the addictions. In my mother tongue addiction translates as dependency. So I can say that I am addicted to air, water, or food. I have also a few addictions that range from semi to non-essential in terms of their existential necessity. As far as I can tell, none of them prevents me from being free even though I, as a human, can never be completely free of all of them.
The more I think about it the more I agree with all those folks who maintain that it's desires and aversions, ambitions and fears, simply likes and dislikes that make people ignorant. So people don't flow with the cosmos, don't walk the path with a heart. And still, it's true that reason and faith are not enough to actually walk it because without knowledge there is always doubt.
So perhaps it's the specific addiction, or clinging if you will, to fears and desires in general that's at the root of the problem. And that boils down to fear of death, that is, fear of unknown, and desire to make it go away or at least postpone it by any means available.
Well, making people see that they don't have to fear either death or dying truly seems like a wall too high to climb. Then again, whether we survive or go extinct at this point in history, we die either way. The only question is the manner of our departure. And that also determines the manner of how we live.
Frankly, sometimes I wish people were lazy enough to simply live in peace.