All Religions Are Wrong

While you have a world view, you cannot see the world

Sender Spike
2 min readJun 27, 2019

Whether you identify as religious, spiritual, atheist, agnostic, or what have you, it’s obvious that you know neither God nor yourself.

Let’s start with God.

If you say that you just believe, you admit it yourself — you merely believe and don’t know. If you claim that God is unknowable, it’s logical — you say clearly that you cannot know. And if you are convinced that there is no God — well, I guess, there’s no need to elaborate on this one.

When it comes to yourself, you can, too, believe in some definition of yourself or assume that you cannot know, in which case you clearly don’t know. But if you claim that you know, but deny existence of what we call “God”, or if you don’t see that you yourself are no other than that “God”, it’s a clear indicator, you really don’t know yourself.

And this is true also the other way round — if you claim to know God, but deny that God is no other that yourself, you really don’t know God.

However, the most telling sign is that you identify at all as religious, spiritual, atheist, agnostic, or what have you. It’s also one of the major reasons why you don’t know.

And the result of this misperception is a society you live in. Day in day out.

There are ca 2.4 billion Christians; 1.8 billion Muslims; 1.2 billion secular, nonreligious, agnostic, or atheist people; almost 1.2 billion Hindus; half a billion Buddhists; and the list goes on.

If at least one of these groups was right, their sheer numbers would force emergence, of at least an island of, a just and happy society. But as you can see, this is certainly not the case.

So, drop your identities and find yourself; find God. Once you find the one, you also find the other.



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