Sender Spike
2 min readAug 8, 2022


Ah, finally you found the courage to spell out loud what you've been tiptoeing around all this time :D

There is a joke – A monk visits his brother in mental asylum, they are chatting, reminiscing, and what not, when suddenly the locked up brother asks his monk sibling, “Brother tell me why is it that when you regularly say that you are god people are happy and thankful, but when I said it only once they locked me in this place.” The monk smiles, embraces his brother and answers, “Well, when I say that I'm god, I say that it's our nature and everyone is the same. But when you said it, you said that only you are god and you demanded worship.”

There is also a nice passage in Ramayana that goes something like this: Once Lord Rama asked Lord Hanuman, “How do you see me?” And Lord Hanuman replied, “When I see myself as a body, then I see myself as your faithful servant. When I see myself as the soul, I see myself as a part of you. And when I see myself as Absolute, you and I, my Lord, are one and the same.”

And of course there is that famous passage in Gospel of John where Jesus references Exodus 3:14 when he says, “I and the Father are one.” His Jewish opponents pick up stones to stone him for blasphemy, because, as they say, “You, a mere man, claim to be God.” And Jesus answers them by quoting Psalm 82:6, which reads, “I said, ‘You are Elohim; you are all sons of the Most High.’”

Of course, truthfulness of those words can every being verify for themselves.

And I leave it at that. You obviously believe that you have all that stuff figured out and will stick to your guns no matter what. So will I. Just know that each and every one of us can safely proclaim, “Before Abraham was, I am.” That is, and always was, the good news all along. Take it or leave it. That's up to you. But now you cannot say that you didn't know.



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