According to what we know so far, the natural order naturally emerged and therefore it's not unnatural that it will naturally cease to be.
Badness (or goodness) of death might not be your anthropocentric judgment, but nowhere throughout your writings you had explicitly stated that nor have you pointed out that such judgment is, indeed, anthropocentric. Quite a double standard considering your (valid) disdain for anthropocentrism of religions.
The weirdness is a matter of personal assessment. I for one don't see anything weird or monstrous where you see such adjective qualities. Sure, you may say it's a problem on my part, but since I can, too, perceive universe as horrible (as well as if imbued with other qualities), it just shows that all such qualities are all but subjective.
Ad strawmanning existentialism -- lol., ok. I expected exactly this reaction from you ;)