3) OK, setting aside all jokes and "clever" one-liners, I went through a quite large chunk of your pieces. Instead of leaving many scattered replies all over the place, I'll just make a single one here.
For starters, I must say that the irony of your article about The Agency and the fact that all of your pieces are behind the paywall is not lost on me. Thus, it didn't surprise me that you ended your piece about money with a big question mark, even though the answer is pretty straightforward and many of your observations would suggest that you already made the connection -- while we keep our way of transactional relationships and don't simply give as a matter of fact (the way trees "give" oxygen and don't charge for it), nothing will change.
And your hunch is correct -- to facilitate such shift in behavior, humanity must first realize the unity of conscious existence (aka "reach enlightenment"), which then depends on each and every individual separately (sadly and thankfully). There really is no other way.